

Featured in the magazine ” The Ultimate Curry 2021 Metropolitan Area Edition”.

Thank you very much for your patronage of Azabujuban Yakuzen Curry.Today, we would like to inform you of a magazine article.It has become an annual event. This year again, we will be featured inThe magazine "Ultimate Curry 2021 Metropolitan Area Edition" has been published. Thank you for everything!This year, we were interviewed about the present and future of spiced curry, and our comments are also included in the article.


雑誌「おとなの週末」8月号に「麻布十番薬膳カレー」が掲載されました。 女優の吉田羊さんの連載「ヒツジメシ」で今号では”薬膳カレー行脚”として都内の薬膳カレー店が数店紹介されている中で、当店も紹介いただきました。 カレー有名店の「草枕」さん、「シャナイア」さんと一緒に「麻布十番薬膳カレー」も掲載していただけて大変光栄です。